
Dear Author,

As an indie author myself I've prepared and released all of my own works as eBooks in a wide variety of formats, including mobi, ePub and many others. I understand how important it is to provide my readers with a smooth and pleasant reading experience. I also understand that with the variety of eBook devices and applications available today it can sometimes be daunting to provide that experience consistently across all platforms.

Basic formatting conversions provided by online on-demand publishers (Amazon, BnB etc.) force manuscripts through a meat grinder process that spits out very uniform and cookie cutter eBooks. This process sadly often times makes it difficult for your book to stand out from the general crowd. Let's face it we all know that first impressions do mean a lot in the book industry.

I started Winged Styles as a way to provide custom and affordable eBook formatting services for authors who want their works to stand out as wildly or as elegantly as they choose. I don't just format your manuscript to map your Table of Contents or make it "look pretty" for eBook devices. I work with you to include chapter styling (dropped caps, separators etc.) and images to make sure your final eBook is a true reflection of the manuscript you've created.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or regarding a custom quote. Just send an email to wingedstyles@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you and work with you on your next eBook project.


